
Film escape from planet earth
Film escape from planet earth

La banda sonora es poco memorable, no llegas a recordar ninguna pista o música en algún momento. La animación está bien, a pesar de que la película sea de bajo presupuesto, con 40 millones de dólares puedes hacer animación decente. Ósea, qué?! No tengo mucho que decir de esto, algunos personajes son planos y algo aburridos, no parecen tener mucha personalidad (excepto gary) los alienigenas del área 51 apenas me agradan, no dan risa, pero no irritan mucho. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.Īyyyy dios. Bad guys loose and good guys win! If you see this cartoon, watch it, you will not be disappointed! recommended! … Expand As a cartoon lover, I like only the cartoons that are not too expensive and have a good morale. The graphics are less good than the best cartoons, difference is like disney 10 and Escape from earth is 7.5, but hey, a good cartoon is a combination of multiple things that make it good or best. A heart warming cartoon that is at par with the greater productions of Disney or Dreamworks. It's all about the relationship between aliens, which you as viewer can reflect back to yourself. The good things about this cartoon: - Story has a deeper layer. A I don understand why people give this cartoon such a low review number. I don understand why people give this cartoon such a low review number. Why would they go out of their way to go and get the two humans if it was such a hassle? Many unanswered questions, 2.4/10 … Expand From what I've seen, the humans didn't come with them back to their planet. What did the main character say about having to come to Earth? It was a hassle to go 14 or 15 light years to get to Earth. Another issue I had was a glitch in the story line (or two, or more), well maybe just one, but it was sure noticeable.

Film escape from planet earth movie#

Who in there right mind would expect anything better then that success rate? Maybe I don't have much to say about the stereotypical part of the movie, but there are other things that caught my attention, forgettable characters, usually a movie has at least one unforgettable character. They already have done an animated alien movie, which, not my opinion, but in others opinions not very good. How many times have I heard of aliens? Too many times. They already have done an animated alien movie, which, not my opinion, but in The first words that come to my mind when I'm done watching the movie are: unoriginal, and stereotypical. The first words that come to my mind when I'm done watching the movie are: unoriginal, and stereotypical.

Film escape from planet earth